Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Have you heard of this site? My friend just mentioned it to me yesterday. This must be what I am. Here is the definition from their site:
"Who are the quirkyalones? There are many definitions, but we'll start with this one. Quirkyalones are people who resist the tyranny of coupledom. Oddly enough, we quirkyalones also tend to be romantics. We resist the tyranny of coupledom because we would prefer to be open to the possibilities that life has to offer than be in an unsatisfying relationship. That is, to date for the sake of dating, or be in a relationship for the sake of being part of a couple. .... "
Check it out! http://www.quirkyalone.net
Are there "Married and Loving It" sites out there??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

super interesting Wen....I will have to check it out.....