Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Office

As if its not hard enough to go into work every day, this is what I come into every morning! I am trying to do Weight Watchers right now but how much will power do you think I have!! So far I havent broken down but that pie in the bottom left corner is sitting right on my desk! Yes it is! And, Ive got Girl Scout cookies coming! It's a cruel, cruel world.

On an up note, someone must be looking out for me because tonight I had a glass pan full of brownies, that I baked yesterday, sitting on the stove. I turned on a burner to steam some broccoli and must have accidently turned on the burner under the brownie pan! POP! I go into the kitchen and the glass pan cracked and went all over the place! The brownies had to be thrown out! (why did I have a pan of brownies if I am on Weight Watchers you ask? Umm...a lapse in will power I guess. ) Cheers!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Where There is Smoke...

So I have to thank and apologize to Steph. Since my shredder broke a while back my bills and other documents have been piling up. She very nicely said that I could burn the stuff in their fireplace. Wolfie started helping me burn stuff cause what kid can resist a little pyromania, right?! After about a bag and a half of bills later, we were starting to asphyxiate Steph which may have led to her headache the next day. Sorry Steph! I promise not to burn anything in you fireplace again!

Anyone having a bonfire in the near future????

Happy Birthday Goose!

My nephew Bryce just turned 12 (even though I kept thinking that he was turning 13!)! Happy Birthday Bryce!! You are a great guy and you have an awesome B-ball shot! (Im sure that isnt the right terminology but you get my point!) Hope you had a great birthday! Love you!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Everybody's Working for the Weekend

Last weekend my college roommates were in town and we decided to go to the coast. (Well, two of them were in town! Another got the flu and couldnt make it and the other couldnt make it here from Hawaii). Mini Girls Trip! We went to Costanoa, north of Half Moon Bay. A beautiful resort if you ever want a quick getaway. They have a lodge, tent cabins and even an area for RV'ers. And the freakiest thing was...there was NO fog all weekend! Seriously! That never happens on the coast! Could we have asked for a better weekend??! We lounged around, drank wine and even took a hike. Seems the hiking trail that goes by the beach was a little soggy and we had to go "off-trail" in a few places to find where the trail picked up again. In one instance there was a HUGE elephant seal (?) in our path and we've watched enough Nature Channel shows to know that you dont mess with those guys! You should hve seen us trying to figure out if it was safe to sneak by him! (FYI-He was much bigger than he appears in this photo!!)

Saturday, February 02, 2008

This Just In

PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. - Brace yourself for more wintry weather. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow Saturday, leading the groundhog to forecast six more weeks of winter.

Friday, February 01, 2008

It's Groundhog Day!

Will Punxsutawney Phil see his shadow tomorrow? Will we have a short winter? Time will tell! Who is going to get up early enough to give us a live report????