Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My Son is Turning 12!

Dear Son,
I remember when you were just a young sailor home on leave.

And how can I forget our old Vaudville act where you were my Charlie McCarthy.

You were so talented and could do so many things. How many people can eat their toes?!

And, you do a great impression of the Sand people in Star Wars. Remember how obsessed you were??

And here you are... my smiley, funny, smart little guy already turning 12! Where did the time go? HAPPY BIRTHDAY W!


Anonymous said...

You're such an awesome Auntie!!

Anonymous said...

Okay Rob and I were both LOL'ing this morning reading that!! I love it!!!! Tooo cute!!!!

BTW if I could do it again.....he would not of been a little sailer....there is so much pressure of what to dress your kid in for their first photo!!!!

E's Mom said...

How time flys...Don't you remember when you were 12??? I do.