Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Let the Peeling Begin!

OK Brian, here is the test as to whether you actually have my blog bookmarked or not!

It was a great July 4th weekend in Tahoe at the Carrolls. The company was exceptional, the scenery was amazing, the weather was perfect and the food was delicious. What was the family motto?...everything in moderation?? LOL!

What did we do?? Let me break it down for you…

Delicious faux Chambers Punch made by Mo.
The Chris O “roast”.
John and Meaghan having to ask their parents permission to stay for dinner ;).
Brian bet Remy that he could sleep all night in the hammock—all for the price of a hug and kiss from the Remster. He did it!

Laughing my head off on the Waverunner with Christian.
Everyone hiding food from me at the beach park (you know who you are!).
The "hike that never ends to the infinite place where the wildflowers end" (Tom!). Chris returning to the scene of his bike accident for a spot-on reenactment (minus the bike). Donna’s priceless photo tips (heads up everyone!).
Steven (or is it Stephen? hmmm.), thanks for sleeping in the tent so I could have your bed and escape the snoring! And for entertaining us with all of your "shenanigans".Ann’s accidental (??) fruit salad spill.
It may not seem like any big deal but I have to admit that I felt a little validated when Matt said he was winded from walking up the hill (uh, hello, I didn’t think college kids got winded)!
Mauraut’s(how do you spell his name??) light vacation reading material—what was it? Nuclear physics or something??
Delaney two timing her boyfriend with Smokey. Aileen, are you the only one who didnt do anything we could ridcule?? :)
Thanks Carrolls for a G-R-E-A-T weekend! Love your family! You are the hosts with the most!
Christian, thanks for chauffering me around!


@_delaneyobrien said...

Wendy your the best lol I can't wait to forward the two timing story to my boyfriend lol he'll get a kick out of fun seeing you, hope all is well & enjoy your trip!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha, yeah I was on my best behavior last weekend so there is nothing to ridicule!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the pictures!

told you i had it bookmarked :)

Wink said...

Hey! You really DO have me bookmarked! You just neve know who is lurking in your blog!! LOL