Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dark Forces at Work

I think that there are dark forces at work around me. This weekend I obsessed so much about Baskin Robbins Peanut Butter and Chocolate ice cream that I pulled myself off of the couch and made a trip out of my apartment JUST for the ice cream! As I headed out the door there was a man, who just happened to be running for congress. There I stood with garbage bag in one hand purse in the other and eventually campaign flyers as well. He didnt detain me long and before he changed his mind I shut my door and headed to the garbage bin. Then I searched for my keys...nope, not in that pocket...not in that flap...OH NO!!!! The higher forces were working so hard to keep me from eating junk food that they willed me to lock my keys in my apartment to teach me a lesson. (You may recall the famous glass-pan-filled-with-brownies-explosion incident a few months back....another "higher forces at work" account.) So far I have learned, 1) I have a serious chocolate dessert problem, 2) politicians are dangerous and make our lives miserable in ways we never even dreamed of, 3) cook brownies in metal pans not glass, 4) dont take out the trash so often and 5) I need to make another set of keys!

Stay tuned for my electromagnetic theory in a forth-coming blog!

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