Tuesday, January 01, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Happy 2008 everyone!
The old year went out with a bang at Ann and Christian's once again! The theme was "A Night of White". (...a decision partly made due to so many red drinks spilled on the carpets and walls at last years party!)I went to help them set up on Sunday for a six-course dinner for 23 people. Chris was getting his duck appetizer prepared in advance. All was well. Then Monday the shit hit the fan! Christian (the chef) seemed to be coming down with THE FLU! Six hours to go and there was part of an appetizer completed--period! Only the soup, pasta, potato and tomato side dishes, salad and cheese course, dessert, and the main dish to go!! Aaaggghhhh! We needed some help--STAT! Ann and I decided we should start cooking while Claire and Delanie finished decorating the dining room. When we started on the Oyster bisque we ran into a little issue. (Let me just say that I was the last person you would want in the kitchen when the chef gets sick! I dont cook!) -- the jars of oysters were BAD! At least that is what we assertained after making calls to the manufacturer on the East Coast, the Fish department guy at the supermarket and a couple of moms (thanks Pattie and Ardeth) with seafood experience! Not wanting to give all of the guests a case of botulism Ann decided to change it to Crab bisque instead. One more disaster diverted! Well, despite all of the issues, things went off really well! Christian had everything written down and came down on occasion to provide some support. Ann's brother Chris was a lifesaver and cooked the Tri-tip entree and got all the wines prepped! Eileen (above) and Delaney, Claire and Donna all chipped in and did whatever needed to be done. And Ann was great at directing the whole show! I have to admit, despite all of the issues, it was actually fun to be part of the cooking!

Props to Claire, Delaney and Eileen for doing a great job with all of the preparation and serving! You guys were awesome!
With all of the issues we started with, it was a good thing we had a doctor and nurse on hand (or is that a See's Candy sales girl???:)

Nice job pulling it off Ann! I have such a new appreciation for what Christian (and you) does each year. I may have gained a little more confidence in the kitchen too!

Bring it on 2008!

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