Thursday, November 01, 2007

Shakin', not Stirred

Well, as you probably know by now there was a little earthquake down here...just a 5.6...but by all of the media coverage you would think that the devastation was insurmountable! I think when all was said and done a jar of pickles had fallen off the shelves of one store somewhere. And Susie in SF reported "I was, like, sitting in restaurant, and like, everything just started shaking...." you get the picture. Was it that slow of a news day??
I just happened to be babysitting for some friends who have 4 young boys. Which got me thinking, how would I get four little boys together and out of the house if it were a really big earthquake, and when would I get them out if they were sleeping. As it was I just let them sleep through this one and hoped that it wasnt a warning earthquake before the REALLY big one. (Nice babysitter right?!) But since their parents were out at a party and NOT answering their phones I had to rely on my own advice!
Anyway, we always put it off but there is no time like the present to get your emergency plan together and figure out what YOU will do in the event of an emergency whether you are all at home or separated and unable to get in touch with each other by phone.
Check out this site that helps you plan for your family!

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