Friday, May 25, 2007

Out of Commission

All day Tuesday this was my view. Yes, I had the Flu and my toilet was my best friend!

A lot of thoughts go through your head when you are waiting to die.

1. I need to get my core (a.k.a. stomach muscles) in better shape!

2. Maybe Ill lose a few pounds when this is all over.

3. Do I have any jello, 7-up or chicken soup in the cupboard? Leftover Chinese isnt really appetizing when you are recovering.

4. At what point would I need to dial 911?

5. How did my hair get so crazy looking?

(These are the guys I was hanging out with over the weekend. I think I picked up the bug from the beany baby.)


Java Mom said...

So sorry that you were not feeling good Wen!!!! Hope you are on the mend and feeling much better for the 3 day weekend!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Love keeping up on your life and family via this great site. You have the gift of a writer lady- use it!