Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Office

As if its not hard enough to go into work every day, this is what I come into every morning! I am trying to do Weight Watchers right now but how much will power do you think I have!! So far I havent broken down but that pie in the bottom left corner is sitting right on my desk! Yes it is! And, Ive got Girl Scout cookies coming! It's a cruel, cruel world.

On an up note, someone must be looking out for me because tonight I had a glass pan full of brownies, that I baked yesterday, sitting on the stove. I turned on a burner to steam some broccoli and must have accidently turned on the burner under the brownie pan! POP! I go into the kitchen and the glass pan cracked and went all over the place! The brownies had to be thrown out! (why did I have a pan of brownies if I am on Weight Watchers you ask? Umm...a lapse in will power I guess. ) Cheers!

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