Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Flat Stanley

Stanley loves to travel!
Download Lexi's Flat Stanley (nice job coloring your Stanley Lex!), take his picture somewhere cool and email it back to us. Then we'll post all the pics we get from locations all over (the world??). Anything is possible!

Follow Stanley's adventures and download a Stanley at :

Now, what are you waiting for?! Get going!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Gentlemen Start Your Engines

Don and Bob visited me on Saturday while their mom and dad were at a Home and Garden show. We went to Malibu Grand Prix so they could do a few laps and play some video games. That is all teenagers want to video games! It was a fun day hanging with the nephews. They actually seem to enjoy each others company now that they are older.

Okay, Bob, what is your iPod worth to you??? ;)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Lexi!

It's little Lulu's birthday today (Thurs)! Every year she just gets more and more precious. You are an awesome girl. Have a great day Lex!!

Welcome Stanley

I had a visitor arrive yesterday. Flat Stanley. Lexi sent Flat Stanley to me and I am supposed to show him around my town. After he arrived we sat around and had a juice box and watched some TV. He went to work with me today. It's fun to have FS around. Maybe we will go visit the Firehouse in my town tomorrow! ;)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Smashing Pumpkins

Today was mammogram day. There has got to be a better way to take x-rays of the boob. Putting them in a vice really seems like it might do more harm than know? Ouch! I mean, they can fit a bazillion songs into an iPod the size of a matchbook but when it comes to health we have to submit ourselves to machinery from the 18th century! Whats up with that?!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Movie Reviews

Over the last week or so I've seen three movies...
The Departed

The Departed has the usual Mafioso type violence in it and Zodiac, being a movie about a serial killer, has a few scenes that are a bit violent. That being said, these two movies were great. The Departed holds your attention through the entire movie and keeps you on the edge of your seat--you never know what is going to happen next. (the hunky cast doesnt hurt either ;) It would be my #1 pick. Rent it now!

Zodiac's main characters are great and even funny at times but revisiting the Bay Area in the early seventies brings back some memories which makes it even more interesting. Even though the movie is pretty long, it didnt fel like it at all.

Breach on the other hand is a snoozer. I expected it to be more dramatic and intense because it is about an FBI agent giving away US secrets to the Soviets. But no, you dont feel any ups and downs or real feel any connection to any of the characters. Save your money on this one.

After Taxes...

...And this is what you do after you get your taxes done!

I Got My Taxes Done Today

Need I say more??

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Daylight Saving

Its happening early this year! Be sure to TURN YOUR CLOCKS FORWARD THIS SATURDAY when you go to bed! Spring Forward. Because of the early time of daylight saving this year you should check all of you appliances that run on timers or clocks to reset them. See this MSNBC article.

According to one website: "The official spelling is Daylight Saving Time, not Daylight SavingS Time. Saving is used here as a verbal adjective (a participle). It modifies time and tells us more about its nature; namely, that it is characterized by the activity of saving daylight. It is a saving daylight kind of time. Similar examples would be a mind expanding book or a man eating tiger. Saving is used in the same way as saving a ball game, rather than as a savings account."
So there you have it!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I'm A Scanner!

Finally there is a word for my inability to stick to one thing or complete projects! I'm a Scanner. According to the author, " she identifies someone she calls The Scanner, someone who frequently has a multiplicity of interests, but finds it hard to create a successful life he or she loves because their passions and abilities are taking them in so many different directions. Sher identifies 7 types of Scanners ranging from the Serial Specialist (someone who learns all about one subject, only to get bored and need to move on to the next) to Sybil (a person with so many areas of interest, she cant finish a thing). Contrary to popular wisdom, Sher tells Scanners that theirs is a unique ability, not a liability. She also states that they must do everything they love, not zero in on one pursuit at the expense of all others. With dozens of powerful techniques Sher has developed to free people from goal paralysis, readers will stop thinking of themselves as dabblers or dilettantes, and find innovative ways to live lives of variety, challenge, and joy. "

Yep, that's me. I'm sure there are many others of you out there who have a book you've been meaning to read, a scrapbook waiting to be finished, photos waiting to be organized, a class you've been meaning to take, etc.. You get the point. Are you a scanner???